What is a migraine? Why migraine happens. Who gets migraines? Treating migraines.

One Personal Story with Managing Migraines...Naturally

People who don't get migraines really can't understand their intensity. So, they say, it's a big headache. Big deal! But, to a migraine sufferer, it really is a big deal. A migraine isn't just a "big headache," but an earth-shattering, blinding experience that you can't even imagine if you don't get them.

One sufferer, Marian, only started getting migraines in college. When they came on, they were completely debilitating and the only solace to the pain was a quiet, dark room; cold compresses; and time. At times, the migraine would cause blurred vision, concentration issues, nausea, vomiting, and even slurred speech.

Finally, in the last five years, Marian has looked into alternative therapies and has found some very interesting options. While the migraines haven't disappeared altogether, they have definitely decreased, and she feels more able to cope with them. Here are some firsthand, natural ideas for managing murderous migraines.

1. Amethyst - Surrounding herself with amethyst, Marian was able to lessen the severity of the migraines. While this may sounds strange, it really works! She found a small amount of migraine peace and had less frequent, and less intense, migraines, when looking at an amethyst in a ring and when surrounded by amethyst.

2. Feverfew - One thing that Marian learned for herself is that Feverfew is an amazing fighter of migraines. This product, found in the herbal community, and taken daily over a two or three month period, can help people to dramatically decrease their migraines. It helps to decrease the frequency of the migraines and the intensity. Marian even says that she takes Feverfew preventatively, taking some when she knows she is going to be eating or drinking trigger items, or when she is going to be in very stressful situations.

3. Aromatherapy - Next, Marian says that aromatherapy has done wonders for her migraines. One great aromatherapy technique is to put lavender on a warm cloth and to place it on your forehead when you feel a migraine coming on. You can also massage lavender into your temples. These can take the edge off of the migraine pain and can help you to relax during a migraine episode.

4. Know Yourself - Marian also explained that you need to know what your trigger foods and activities are. Many migraine sufferers will find that they can't have fried foods, caffeine, chocolate, Chinese food (because of the MSG) or other items. These foods are trigger foods for the migraine headaches. Similarly, high levels of stress can trigger migraines. Knowing what your triggers are, and trying to stay away from these items, can help to minimize migraine headaches.

Hopefully, Marian's experience can help others to cope with their migraine headaches. Trying alternative therapies and creative solutions certainly can't hurt - and it just might be the key to getting rid of those dreaded migraines!
