Why This Site Is Here And What We're Trying To Do
This site is dedicated to everyone who has suffered from a migraine headache. It's here as a resource to provide information and advice for migraine sufferers everywhere. The site is not run by a doctor but by a fellow migraine sufferer. Due to that nothing on the site can be taken as medical advice for you to follow. It's more on an online diary of what I've learned about migraines over the years.
Migraines don't just affect the sufferer. Whole families can be involved and this site is also there for them. Sometimes it's not easy to understand the pain that migraines involves. There isn't any easy way to explain this. Hopefully some of the information on the site will help you understand that you friend, employee, lover, partner or spouse is not just making it all up. Migraines are not something to be joked about and need to be taken seriously.
There may be ads on the site from time to time. These help pay for the running of the site and may even help me pay for my next few bottles of lavender oil for my natural migraine treatment. That being said the ads are in relation to migraines themselves so they may be of interest to you - who knows.
I hope you find the site useful and informative and of course I'd love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for the site itself. |